TPL F17- FR8HUB WP3: Real-time network management and simulation of increasing speed for freight trains
Researchers- Markus Bohlin (principal investigator), Behzad Kordnejad (senior researcher), Johan Högdahl (PhD Student), Niloofar Minbashi (PhD Student), Josef Andersson (Research Engineer)
Source of Funding- Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) / EU S2R - IP5
This project will develop methods for improved interaction between network management and yard management. The methods will consider interactions between timetable planning on lines and terminals/ yards on a higher level, based on available statistics on arrivals and departures of trains, wagons and intermodal loading units.

The project is focused on capacity analysis and planning and considers both railway timetabling and yard analysis. For short-term railway timetabling, a combined simulation optimization approach has been demonstrated to reschedule freight trains to a later departure time.
For yard analysis, the study aims to implement a departure delay prediction model from the yards with the application of supervised learning methods. The case study will include Malmö and Hallsberg yards and the line connecting them. The method will also be adapted for using data as produced in FR8HUB WP4 (IVG). In addition, applying input from the ARCC project will be considered.
This work package will deliver a demonstrator showcasing the effects of improved traffic management through better interaction between line and yard. The results will be validated using traffic simulations in Railsys.